Our local treasure, poet Judy Montgomery, brought the book Visions of Angels to my June Qigong workshop. The book’s transcendent photos reawakened my memory of the day Archangel Uriel appeared to me. I’d never heard of “him,” and didn’t believe in archangels. Uriel showed up as a 20-foot tall glowing blue-white figure with magnificent wings, no belief required.


Uriel’s message was forceful and clear: Get on with it. Be absolutely fearless. Self-doubt wastes your time. I can’t report I’ve done my best to enact Uriel’s command, I’m lazy and easily distracted by every glittery idea floating by. But with age comes perspective and new urgency, and Uriel hasn’t abandoned me.

Uriel’s message is true. The biggest time waster isn’t social media, it’s fear and hesitation – fear of being thought a little crazy, hesitation to risk taking on hard work that might not succeed. Let’s be brave, the angels are with us, what do we have to lose?

My next Qigong (“chee-kung”) and creativity classes and workshops will begin in September. Meanwhile, you can learn more about both under “services” on my website and in past blogs. This summer, practice courage and confidence every day.