by Kristina | Dec 19, 2022 | Cold Mirage, Kristina Bak Oregon Author, Nowever
On frozen Ahtanum Creek caked snow melts from my pant cuffs around my ankles and down into my boots. Shep stations himself where the ice thins. “Far enough.” I understand him as clearly as if he spoke in words. I trust him, my best friend, playmate,...
by Kristina | Jul 20, 2021 | Bend Oregon, Cold Mirage, Kristina Bak author, Nowever, Uncategorized
This pandemic hiatus is like waking from a particularly nasty nightmare into (always slippery) reality. As with other functional introverts, for me emergence is a perplexing adjustment. Has it been the way you thought it would be, or are you as confused as I am about...