Kristina’s Blog

Kristina’s Blog

Simple Gifts

This spring my friend and Chinese Essence Qigong student, Sandra Kunz, accepted an invitation to visit China with the esteemed qigong master, Huixian Chen, the beautiful woman you see in this photo. Sandra brought me the photo as a gift when she returned, and I was...

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Wild Horses

Ideas shoot through my awareness like summer meteors in the Perseid shower. As I try to harness wild interests and choose my topic for September, I slip back to being 10 years old, trying to separate a reluctant saddle horse from our shifting herd. A gangly gray and...

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When will you…?

How did you finish that sentence in your mind? Quickly now, without over-thinking it, what's the dream lurking behind all you do, maybe right at the surface, maybe hidden in the depths? Big dream or small, makes no difference, if matters to you, it's important. Two of...

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Memory, Atoms and Miracles

Memory is the story you tell yourself. It's selecting one position in time and space, one arrangement of vibrating atoms to represent what "you" (that mysterious observing consciousness) identify as you, then clustering multiple selections together and endowing the...

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My mother was astonished when I told her on her birthday she was 90 years old. "No! When did that happen?" I don't think she believed me. The fact almost instantly disappeared from her awareness into that vast territory Things That Don't Matter Anymore. Her life has...

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Enlightenment in a Movie?

A movie as spiritual practice? Why not? For more people than you might guess watching the 1993 classic Groundhog Day each February is a beloved ritual. It's not a bad idea. The Bill Murray character is caught in a loop re-living February 2nd again and again. At first...

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Qigong News

When you learn Qigong you'll feel your abundant life energy expand into dimensions you may not yet sense. I recently spoke about Qigong in Bend's Old Stone Church and led the audience in some introductory exercises. In response, one man commented that the energy he...

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The word Impermanence tells us that all things end – you, me, everything we love on this earth, everyone who's ever loved us. It implies sadness, loss, the darkness of grief. But my favorite holiday, the Winter Solstice, shows us that light returns. Sorrow itself is...

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Easy to Love

A hike along the Deschutes between Dillon and Benham Falls in golden October left my husband and me giddy with our good fortune in having made our home here. It's harder to maintain that level of delight in these chilly and abruptly short days. I was feeling the...

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©Copyright 2023 Kristina bak


Artist and Author of From Here to Argentina: A Tango Love Story, Nowever and Cold Mirage.

Author photos by Jill Rosell